Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Windows 8 announcement says Microsoft

UPDATE 10:38 p.m. ET: Angiulo makes it official: He shows a demo of the next version of Windows to highlight new hardware features from Microsoft's production partners. But it's rendered in the current Windows interface because Microsoft isn't discussing details of what's eventually expected to be Windows 8. Microsoft's keynote has come in with much less ambition than had been expected.
UPDATE 10:24 p.m. ET: "There's one more product I want to talk about tonight, and that's the Windows PC," Ballmer says. So probably no Windows TV tonight. Windows Vice President Mike Angiulo comes on and is recapping the announcements the company made this afternoon.
UPDATE 10:15 p.m. ET: Ballmer says Kinect is proving to be far more popular than expected; 8 million consoles were sold during the holiday season, 60 percent above projections. Now he's moved on to Windows Phone 7. There's much applause at word that cut and paste is coming soon.

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